License - Updated 9/13/2016 By downloading a trial, using the online customization tool, or purchasing a map, you agree to the following license: This license is a legal document designed to protect your rights and the rights of the Pareto Software, LLC, the owner of Please read it carefully. Purchasing the map or downloading the trial constitutes acceptance of this license. Description of Software and Parties: This license is a contract between you (hereafter, the Customer) and Pareto Software, LLC (hereafter, the Provider) regarding the use and/or sale of an interactive map of both the trial and full versions (hereafter, the Map). Ownership of Code: All rights in the Map are owned by the Provider. This includes copyright 2010-2016 of all program code and documentation. Ownership of any intellectual property generated by the Provider while performing custom modifications to the map for a Customer (with or without payment) is retained by the Provider. Customers can transfer their license to a third-party, at the sole discretion of the Provider, by submitting a request via email. Versions: There is a Trial Version and a Full Version of the Map available. The Trial version is a functionally limited variety of the Full Version of the Map and is available for evaluation purposes only. Trial users are prohibited from decompiling, reverse-engineering, modifying, tampering with, or otherwise altering the form or normal operation of the Map. Upgrading to the Full Version and utilizing the extended functionality requires purchase of a License. Individual License: Customers who purchase an Individual License for a map are allowed to use that particular map on one domain name, per purchased license, at a time. They may modify the Map, but they may not advertise the sale of the map or redistribute it as a standalone product without prior written permission. Customers must purchase additional individual licenses for each domain where they want to use the Map. The map can be used on a single local network (intranet) in lieu of a single domain. Using the map on testing, staging, or development domains does not require an additional license. Business License: Customers who purchase a Business License are granted unlimited lifetime use of all maps that the Provider currently offers. The Customer can use these maps on unlimited websites and/or intranets that the Customer owns or develops. Advertising or distributing maps as a standalone product is prohibited. The maps' full source code is available upon request and the Customer is free to make modifications to the maps. Use of the map in SAAS (software as a service applications) is permitted. Use of the Map as an OEM component in software that will be redistributed requires prior written approval from the Provider. Developer's License: Customers who purchase a Developer's License are granted unlimited lifetime use of the HTML5 USA Map and the HTML5 World Map. The Customer can use these maps on unlimited websites and/or intranets that the Customer owns or develops. Advertising or distributing maps as a standalone product is prohibited. Updates and Support: All licenses include free updates and support for a limited period of time (12 months for an Individual license, 18 months for a Developer's license, 24 months for a Business license). Support means that the Provider will answer a reasonable number of email questions in regards to customizing and installing the map. The nature and amount of support provided is at the sole discretion of the Provider. Updates to the map are released periodically and include new features and bug fixes. If you are eligible for free updates, you can download them from our updates page. The frequency (or existence) of future updates is at the sole discretion of the Provider. Free (Unbranded) Maps: The Provider may offer free (unbranded) licenses for certain maps. These maps may be used on unlimited production domains, but are subject to the same conditions of this agreement as if the Customer had purchased the license. Branded Maps: The Provider may offer free branded licenses for certain maps. These maps can be used for academic, 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and personal websites. They may not be used on commercial websites. Any website owned by a for-profit company or any website that generates profit for an organization or individual is considered to be a commercial website. Branded maps include a link back to Removing or obfuscating this link through JavaScript or CSS is prohibited. Guarantee: The Provider guarantees that for the period of thirty (30) days from the purchase of a License to the Full Version of the Map that the Customer shall, upon request, be refunded their actual purchase price within a reasonable period of time. The Customer acknowledges that receipt of a refund constitutes a termination of their License to use the Map. In the event of a Refund, the Customer promises to delete the map immediately. Refunds after the period of thirty (30) days shall be at the sole discretion of the Provider. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: THE MAP IS SOLD "AS IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS". THE PROVIDER MAKES NO WARRANTY THAT IT IS FREE OF DEFECTS OR IS SUITABLE FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PROVIDER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OR DAMAGES ARRISING FROM THE INSTALLATION OR USE OF THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. THE CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT THEIR USE OF THE MAP IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW OF THEIR JURISDICTION. PROHIBITION OF ILLEGAL USE: USE OF THE MAP WHICH IS CONTRARY TO THE LAW IS PROHIBITED, AND IMMEDIATELY TERMINATES THE CUSTOMER'S LICENSE TO USE THE SOFTWARE.